The role of car parking tensile structures in creating attractive and welcoming public spaces.

The task of improving the appearance of a multi-storey car park in central London's busy borough was undertaken by Stratford Borough Council. Agenda, a consulting architect, was assigned the task and approached Architen Landrell for a price quote to design, manufacture, and install 11 fabric sails attached to the sidewall of the building. car parking tensile They offered a competitive price and had decades of experience in the tensile fabrics industry. Architen Landrell won the contract. The sails design was developed in close collaboration with the architect. This included both manufacturing and installation. It was easy to choose the fabric for creating the sculptures. The sails were placed in an external environment, and required lighting. Therefore, PVC coated polyester was the best choice. It is one of our most durable and economical fabrics. The sculptures were made by covering a steel frame in the PVC-coated polyester and fitting it directly to the building wall. Installation was difficult because of the busy site. The sails had to be shipped to the site to be installed as there was not enough space on the site. To minimize street disruption, all external work was done using cranes. car parking tensile The fabric sails, although part of a larger plan to improve the building's condition, are the most striking. The fabric allows the sails glow from the inside to create a welcoming environment. The fabric features make this an iconic structure in a otherwise ordinary car park building.


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Car parking tensile structures are typically less expensive to construct and maintain than traditional parking garages and surface lots.