What is a Company Registration Certificate in India?


What is a Company Registration Certificate in India?

The certificate of incorporation, also known as a the certificate of registration for a company is an official document that proves that you have established your company as a limited liability at Companies House. This is legal under Companies Act 2006. Companies Act 2006.

It also shows what the title of your company along with its registered number as well as the date of incorporation. It also shows the kind of company you've established and the location of your registered office is located or is located.

Private limited company registration

Contents of Certificate of Incorporation

A Certificate of Incorporation a company comprises the following elements:

  • The name or the title of the company along with its description.

  • A statement that outlines the idea behind the business.

  • The office address that has been certified as well as that of the agent certified on the location.

  • The amount of shares permitted to be announced and the description of each of the kinds of stocks that can be declared if there's more than one kind.

How to Get a Company Registration Certificate in India

In order to obtain a company registration certificate for a company registration certificate in India A particular business must follow the following steps:

  • Get a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Directors Identification Number (DIN)

  • Submit the form for name approval

  • Preparation of Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA)

  • Filling out the electronic forms and making paying the charges or fees to the Registry

  • Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation

Post incorporation requirements that are mandatory for businesses

Private limited company registration is controlled under the Companies Act and to register a business, you must be aware of the legal procedures. In addition, after the registration is completed, there are certain compliance requirements that every company must adhere to. The mandatory compliances following incorporation of businesses are in the following order:

  1. Meeting of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is one of the most significant bodies in any company. For any company the initial board meeting must be held within the first 30 days following its incorporation.

  1. Issue of share certificates to your company or business

According to Section 53 in the Companies Act, 2013 the shares certificates issued must be handed over to subscribers of the memorandum within 2 months from the date of registration.

  1. Auditors' selection

After accepting the incorporation document,, the first thing that a company needs to decide on its first auditor for the business. The process must be completed within 30 days of registering the company at meetings of the Board.

  1. Minutes of the proceedings of the board meeting as well as general meetings

The section 118 in the Companies Act and Rule 25 of the Rules of Companies (Administration and Management ) determines the requirements for the minutes of the meeting. The minutes of meetings must contain an objective examination of the proceedings as well as its results.

  1. Declaration of interest to be filed by Directors in your business

Directors of the company may reveal their involvement or concerns with other firms or companies or corporations owned by individuals, which includes the shareholding of shareholders.

  1. Authorization and signature of financial statements or reports

Section 134 , of the Companies Act 2013 and Rule 8 and 9 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014, trades the committee report and financial statement. Every business should file the financial statements before 30 days from their annual general meeting with RoC in AOC-4.

  1. Annual returns must be filed following the company's registration

Each business or organization must be required to file their annual returns to the company's registrar and/or RoC after 60 days from the date of annual assembly in MGT-7. The return must get the blessing of at minimum one director, and confirmed by a company secretary at work.

If a private business fails to follow the regulations stipulated in the Act the person responsible for the breach is subject to the payment of a fine.

Modification or Correction of Company Registration Certificate

When the certificate is issued it will enhance the credibility of the business. If the business needs to change its name the company must search whether it is possible to obtain another name, file an EGM and transfer a specific resolution, and connect with the registrar to request authorization of the name in accordance Rule 29 in the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. After approval, the registrar can begin the process of registering a new business registration process online.

If the place of business or the address of the business changes The Certificate of Incorporation is not changed. The business must complete the necessary forms and make sure that there is no changes to the company's master information. The address for the date of incorporation of the company is day of the incorporation which means that no modifications retroactively can be made.

It comes with all the features in effect at the time of incorporation. It also replicates the birth certificate of the person.

Receipt of your certificate of registration from the company that formed you

If you decide to incorporate your private limited business through the formations company, you'll receive your confirmation of the business electronically. In certain cases, you'll also receive a printed version of the certificate regardless of the option you choose:

  • You can also include a frame version

  • It is also possible to request it to be printed or printed on pvt ltd company House approved paper to help promote your business's offerings


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