Tensile structures can be made of recycled materials and help to reduce the urban heat island effect.

As per Langergraber and co. (2019)"Nature-based solutions" (NBS) are ideas that incorporate nature into cities, and often involves ideas for urban design that draw inspiration or are derived from nature. So, although NBS could be viewed more broadly as activities that safeguard, sustainably manage natural or altered ecosystems ( IUCN 2019) The emphasis here is on the application and implementation of NBS inside cities and ecosystems. car parking tensile Even in cities, NBS contribute to global goals like climate adaptation and mitigation, and can help improve the wellbeing of people and biodiversity as well as the recovery of resources. These objectives can be realized through the architecture of urban areas, which is often called the built environment. In the last 15 years the idea of NBS has grown to encompass the design of contemporary architecture and landscapes, that is, where natural and living materials - along with strategies, actions and measures to encourage their use - can be utilized to tackle particular societal issues which are prevalent in buildings and other built spaces. One instance of a societal problem that can be addressed with NBS could be the effects of the urban heat island (UHI) that is caused by the temperatures in cities are progressively more extreme than those in the surrounding regions and causing heat stress for those living in urban areas who are at risk. In warmer climates, the risk is greatest during night , and most of the time inside ( Buchin et and. 2016). In the UHI countermeasures urban green spaces are one of the most effective in cooling the temperature of air outdoors, however for dealing with the indoor risk, it's the most effective to implement measures that are based on the building which highlights the necessity that NBS is required to be implemented on various dimensions to ensure the greatest impact ( Saaroni et and. 2018). A vast grey-colored infrastructure that is found in cities, which is comprised of impervious pavement structures, buildings, and other structures - contributes in total to the degrading of urban climates due to insufficient the ability to withstand and adapt. Therefore, the importance of green infrastructure in urban areas (GI) is in relation to the reduction of social stressors and physical manifestations within cities. Modern issues relating to grey infrastructures include its aging and the need to maintain it in addition to the widespread recognition that the traditional solutions to infrastructure are usually ineffective and inadequate. Incorporating NBS in the development of new and innovative strategies can address issues such as water quality and providing benefits that are not present in other strategies. These benefits are essential to encourage sustainable development, as outlined in the report from the year 2018 by the United Nations report which states that '...upscaling (of) NBS is essential to reaching The 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development' ( WWAP 2018). car parking tensile Another key aspect to be aware of when looking at the current urban system is "circularity'. Circular Economy (CE) can be described as an evolving concept that is referred to as an "umbrella" that is a complex concept with multiple internal layers and definitions. However, it is described in this article ( Langergraber et and. 2019) as an economic system that is aimed to reduce waste and make the most out of resources. In a circular economy the input of resources and the emissions, waste and energy leakage are all reduced by slowing down, closing and closing the energy and material loops. As per Prieto-Sandoval and colleagues. (2018)"This concept represents the shift regarding the way our society is interconnected to nature . It aims to stop the loss of resources and help to promote sustainable development by its application on the microscopic (enterprises and customers) as well as meso (economic agents that are integrated into the symbiosis) in addition to the macro (city and regional governments) levels. In order to achieve this model, you need sustainable and cyclical environmental changes in the way that society regulates the way it produces, consumes and creates.' Furthermore, cities consist of many overlapping infrastructure systems and they are also the places where people can develop social interactions and values. The quality of urban life is an important factor for cities competing against one another to attract the most productive and profitable citizens. There are a myriad of ideas, manifestos, and city guidelines have been developed by cities around the world to encourage new urban characteristics and improve the wellbeing of citizens. Frederick Law Olmsted argued that '...the pleasure of the scenery stimulates the mind, without fatigue and, at the same time in a tranquil way and stimulates it. This through the influence of the mind on the body, has the feeling of a refreshing sleep and revigoration.


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