trademark renewal

The trademark renewal will be valid for ten year after it is approved by the registrar. Between these ten year, no one can object to the grounds of validity. After ten years, the applicant can apply for renewal of his registered trademark. The applicant or registered owner can decide whether to file a renewal application. An owner cannot apply for trademark renewal online of a trademark. The applicant must apply for renewal of his trademark six months prior to the expiry date of the validity period. The trademark registration is only valid for a period of 10 years. Otherwise, the renewal application must be submitted before the expiration of this period.

The registrar can also remove a mark from the register if it is not filed. The mark is valid for a further ten year period after the renewal application has been submitted. The applicant can request a grace period of six month to be granted the facility.

An applicant can either renew the same mark or file a renewal application for a different trademark, logo, or content. The renewal application will be reviewed by the registrar before the renewal process can begin. After the renewal application is accepted by the registrar, it will be published in a gazette (journal for seeking third party objection). It will be valid for ten more years if it is not subject to opposition from the registrar or any third parties. If the trademark is not in the public interest, or if it harms any religious sentiments of any Indian citizen, the registrar can refuse to renew it. Professional assistance is recommended for trademark renewal applications. This takes time and must be submitted according to the law and rules.

The current situation is that the renewal application must be submitted in FORMTM-R. 

Step 1 - Submit Documents

You will need to provide all details about your trademark to file the renewal application. You will receive a few documents, including a power of attorney. Fill in your details and sign the document and we will revert to you.

Step 2 - Drawing Renewal Applications

We will prepare your trademark renewal form in "TM-R" according to your information and send you the preview to confirm your acceptance before filing.

Step 3 - Filling the Form

After obtaining your approval, the attorney will submit the renewal application and pay the renewal fee. The renewal application must be presented to the registrar.

Step 4 - Government Approval

The registrar will review the application and publish it in the journal after he has received it.


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