Protect Your Brand: 5 Steps to Renewing Your Trademark


Are you starting or running your own business? Perhaps you already know how crucial branding is to your business. Although trademarking your brand used to be a matter of concern only for large corporations, it is now a requirement for all business owners.

Legalsalah's Search Engine for Trademark Names to locate previously registered trademark renewal can be used to prevent copyright infringement.

If you don't have a distinct brand image in today's marketplace, you'll be lost in the seas of competition. People will confuse your business with other businesses, which can lead to high-priced losses.

1. Select your trademark

You can skip this step if your name is already trademark renewal online for your business.

Any of the following can be trademarked: word, phrase or device; symbol or colour. However, you must create a brand name, phrase, or logo that isn't used by another business.

These are some things to keep in mind when choosing your trademark

  • Keep it brief
  • Make it memorable
  • Make sure it's unique
  • Avoid using generic terms or names


There are two types that work well when it comes to choosing a brand name.

1.   Fanciful or arbitrary names that don't have a specific meaning and don't correspond to the product they are selling. Examples include Twitter, Apple and McDonald's.

2.   Descriptive names or suggestions that give a hint about your product or business. You can think of Pizzahut, Tata Motors and Air India as examples.

2. Learn the difference between a color logo and a B&W one

Visual animals are the basis of human existence. Images are more easily remembered than names and phrases. A logo is essential for any business because it allows people to instantly identify the brand.

When you get your logo trademarked, keep these things in mind:

o   The logo and the color sequence are protected once you trademark a coloured symbol. However, any variations are not protected.

o   Make sure that your colours are appropriate for your business and your target audience.

o   Your logo should reflect the colors of your brand.

Are you unsure if your brand colors are yet to be found? There are no problems.

A black and white logo can be trademarked. You can use different colours in your logo, as a trademark for a black-and-white logo only protects that pattern. This is a great way to get started and then you can experiment until you find the brand colors.

Did you know? You can trademark colours separately! Cadbury trademarked the royal violet colour you see on their wrappers. For help in narrowing down the colour sequence that will best suit your brand, get in touch with one of our experts today!

3. Check for availability

An available wordmark or logo must also be available for registration. You will have problems registering your logo if a request has been made for a similar or related mark. You should check the Trademark Registry to confirm that your desired logo is available. This free tool can help you do this.

Registering in more than one class is a good idea.

A tip is that you can trademark your logo and brand name together in one application. Only one condition: Your logo must include your brand name. This will allow you to save both time and money.

4. Choose the right class

Let's get started on the trademark registration.

First, you need to choose a class that will provide trademark protection. There are 45 classes available in the trademark registry, each for different products or services. Based on the activity of your company, select the best class. You must file for each class if you are eligible.

You can only protect a trademark or logo under the class it was applied for.

When filing an application, you must describe the products and services that your business offers. After submitting an application, you can't change the description or class of the goods. You can be generous with your description, and you may even include other goods if that is your long-term goal. This will make your application more cost-effective and provide all-around protection.

5. Mention the user's date

Are you familiar with a logo or brand name that you've been using for some time? Great! It's important to note that you're using it under the "user date" column of the application.

Why? Because in India, preference is given to those who started using the name or logo first rather than following the first-come-first-serve rule of trademark registration. This will allow you to get your trademark, even if another business has applied for a similar trademark.



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