objection Replies

trademark objection reply are equivalent to intellectual property and must be cleared before they can be registered. After the trademark registration application has been filed with the Trademark Registrar it is subject to various examinations and checks. After the application has been processed, an Examination Report is prepared. This allows the applicant to promote the logo/symbol with TM before it is registered.

Any individual may file a notice against the trademark request and raise objections to an advertisement for the trademark application. This is allowed under the Trademark Act 1999. After the objection has been raised, the applicant must respond within two months with evidences of the originality of the mark.

If the Trademark Registerar is satisfied with your answer, then the objection will be lifted. Otherwise, an interview may be scheduled to allow you to present your arguments in person. You must respond within 30 days to the legal objection letter. If you fail to do so, the Trademark Registrar will have the right to reject your application.

Trademark Objection cases require professional expertise. Jain Divya & Associates can help you with this issue. We can assist you in responding to any objections raised against your Trademark Registration. After all documents have been submitted, it takes approximately 10-15 days to draft and file a trademark objection reply. This is subject to government processing. Jain Divya & Associates can help you with trademark consultation.

Process for Replying to Trademark Objection

  • Studying the Examination Report, we will understand the reason for objection. With information collected from you and discussion with you, we will decide the course of action to be taken address the concerns.
  • With your consent, we will prepare response based on the decide course of action and draft the reply letter.
  • This Trademark Objection Reply is filed with the Trademark Registry and the processing of the application is tracked.
  • trademark objection reply


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